First in-person meeting

We, as a team, met for the first time in-person at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
We are an interdisciplinary team from three universities (Uppsala Univesity, Swedish University of Agriculltural Sciences, and KTH Royal Institute of Technology), working towards a common goal - multiple greenhouse gases mitigation. The three PhD students from the three universities began at different times closely spaced around the beginning of 2021. Although, we got acquainted with ourselves through zoom meetings that used to happen on a monthly basis, we all (the PhD students and supervisors) never met together in person. On the 6th of April, we had planned our first in-person meeting at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Our agenda for the meeting was to discuss on the progress of the individual PhD students followed by a brief discussion on move forward through our individual PhD trajectories. Unfortunately, on the day of meeting Emma (PhD student from SLU) got sick and had therefore could not attend the program. One of the supervisors of Emma and Charlotte (PhD student from UU) also could not make it to the meeting owing to their tight schedules. The meeting went ahead as planned in the morning followed by a lunch at Syster O Bror at KTH. Shareq (my supervisor) had arranged for us a delicious cake to mark the occasion of first meeting.