A measurable goal of the project is to present systems with capacity for GHG reduction equal or better than comparable BECCS and Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology, when expressed in costs per total amount of CO2-equivalents removed (also including effects of removed CH4 and N2O). We aim to quantify the energy and materials requirements in the MGM concept and present its environmental impact. We will present the interaction of MGM technology in the future sustainable energy system. We will also analyze policies and identify the incentives to the stakeholders for reducing GHG emissions.
The project will lead to developing a techno-economic-policy-environmental framework to critically analyze the use of novel MGM concept to mitigate GHG emissions from agricultural and farming sector, through collaboration between PhD students and supervisors from KTH, UU and SLU.
The important methodologies will be thermodynamic modeling & simulation for techno-economic analysis, life cycle analysis (LCA) to assess and optimize environmental impact, and stakeholder interviews and policy analysis to explore social acceptability and policy incentives.
Outlined PhD projects
Phd Project 1: Process design and techno-economic analysis (KTH)
Phd Project 2: Socio-economic conditions and policy analysis (UU)
Phd Project 3: Life cycle assessment and energy systems modeling (SLU)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Uppsala University

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences